Public hearing: Abuse in children's State residential care Nohoanga tūmatanui: Tūkinotanga i ā te Karauna Kāinga Taupua mō ngā tamariki
Survivors of abuse in State-run children’s homes gave evidence.
The children's State residential care investigation is examining abuse and neglect of children and young people in residences run by the State, and by the independent sector on behalf of the State, such as boys’ and girls’ social welfare homes and family homes, and institutions that provided combined care and protection and youth justice care.
This hearing saw survivors from the following residences give evidence:
- Kohitere Boys Training Centre
- Hokio Beach School
- Epuni Boys Home
- Ōwairaka Boys Home
- Bollard Girls Home
- Whakapakiri Youth Trust (Great Barrier Island)
- Kingslea Girls Homes
- Moerangi Treks, and
- Family Homes throughout Aotearoa New Zealand.
To inform our investigation, the Royal Commission encourages survivors of abuse and neglect in all State residential care homes to come forward and share their experiences with the Inquiry.
Past hearing
Much of the content presented at the hearing covers details of abuse that may raise difficult emotional issues. There is a list of some of the telephone helplines or services that offer free support, information and help on this website under: For survivors, Getting help and support, Support services.
Anne Toohey – Counsel Assisting the Royal Commission
Racheal Schmidt McCleave - Counsel Assisting the Crown
David Stone – NZ…