Abuse in State Youth Justice care
This investigation examined abuse in State-based Youth Justice care in Aotearoa.
This means the abuse of children, young people and vulnerable adults in (or while being transferred to, between, or out of) youth justice residences, borstals, youth prisons, detention centres, corrective training institutions and other youth justice placements.
It also includes abuse of children and young people in adult prisons where they were also in State care at the time, and in court cells, police cells, other police custody and remand facilities. As well as abuse while being transferred to, between, or out of these places.
We will make recommendations on steps the State should take to address the harm caused and changes to be made so that the factors that allowed abuse to occur in State Youth Justice care do not persist in the future.
State Institutional Response hearing
Public hearing: Tulou - Our Pacific Voices: Tatala e Pulonga