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A report by the rōpū, Kaitiaki mō ngā teina e haere ake nei, made up of tangata whenua, Tauiwi, tangata whaikaha, migrants, gender diverse, rainbow rangatahi and parents ranging in age from 17-30 years old.
Filetype(s): PDF, Word DocumentCreated July 2024
This report is provided for the Royal Commission so that Takatāpui, Rainbow and MVPFAFF+ survivors and their communities’ voices are upheld.
Filetype(s): PDF, Word DocumentCreated July 2024
An independent submission from Gang whānau to the Royal Commission of Inquiry into Historical Abuse in State Care and in the Care of Faith-based Institutions.
Filetype(s): Word Document, PDFCreated July 2024
DOT Loves Data is one of New Zealand’s leading providers of data science, data analysis and data visualisation.
Filetype(s): PDFCreated July 2024
This report, by Dr Patsie Fawley, provides an expert opinion on how disability, gender, age, culture, mental illness and race intersect in relation to experiences of abuse and neglect.
Filetype(s): PDFCreated July 2024
The Uses and abuses of solitary confinement of children in State-run institutions in Aotearoa New Zealand independent report finds use of solitary confinement in State care was widespread and routine for decades, and that its use did not adhere to national regulations or international law.
Filetype(s): PDFCreated November 2023
The Cracks in the Dam independent report highlights the long-running social and economic forces that lie behind the placement of tamariki into care in Aotearoa.
Filetype(s): PDFCreated November 2023
This report updates you about the high-level activity of the Royal Commission into Historical Abuse in State Care and in the Care of Faith-based Institutions and year-to-date spend through to 30-June 2023.
Filetype(s): PDFCreated October 2023
Reports Quarterly reports
This report updates you about the high-level activity of the Royal Commission into Historical Abuse in State Care and in the Care of Faith-based Institutions and year-to-date spend through to 31-March 2023.
Filetype(s): PDFCreated July 2023
Reports Quarterly reports
This report updates you about the high-level activity of the Royal Commission into Historical Abuse in State Care and in the Care of Faith-based Institutions and year-to-date spend through to 31 December 2022.
Filetype(s): PDFCreated April 2023
Reports Quarterly reports