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Ngā purapura ora

Thank you to those who spoke to the Inquiry and shared their experiences – nothing could have been achieved without your participation and engagement. Your contributions were indispensable in framing findings and recommendations to achieve a more inclusive society that would see individuals, whānau and communities having everything they need to flourish and to enhance their mauri and mana.

Survivor experiences

Survivors’ experiences and voices – verbal, written, in sign language, in poetry, in music and in art – were the backbone of this Inquiry. We've gathered many of those experiences together here. 

Survivor videos

These videos were made in response to requests from survivors to be seen and heard. Their views are independent of the Inquiry.

Getting help and support

Thank you to all survivors for your willingness and courage to engage with the Inquiry, and for sharing your experiences of abuse in State or faith-based care. The impact of abuse can be long term for you and for your whānau. Support is available through a range of providers.