Gang whānau hui | February 2023

This video was filmed during a Hikoi Nation-led gang whānau hui in Tāmaki Makaurau in February 2023. Gang whānau came together as a community to share their experiences of being in care and the impacts of care. Commissioners were invited to attend to hear the experiences.


Netta Christian

"I’m doing this for my brother, for my special needs birth mother, my darling grandmother and my absent father. The family we were taken from. I’m doing it for them and I hope they are proud of me."

Kath Coster

"And if we don't change it, then there are going to be generations and generations and generations of survivors, victims and nothing will ever change."

The Secret Keeper, artwork by Catherine Daniels

“If we don't start speaking out about this and making changes it’s going to carry on.” 

Jim Goodwin

"My message of hope to survivors is that it’s not a hole. You just step out of it and go tell your story and find the people who love you."

Toni Jarvis

"I see this as a stepping stone on the healing path for me and many others."

Tyrone Marks

"So my hope is that the Commission will look into all these things and bring people to account."

Paora Crawford Moyle

"We were taken from our parents and put into state care and we experienced things children are not supposed to experience."

Alison Pascoe

"You can never hide away from the truth."

Pearl Putaranui

“There’s so much hidden but we’re determined. We’re standing for everyone that’s alive but also the ones that have passed away."

Eugene Ryder

"The care that was given to us ensured that we weren’t going to participate in society the way everyone else was."

Emery Wade

"We were taken and stripped of a lot of things, but most of all, a chance in life to be a normal person like the rest of New Zealanders."

Keith Wiffin

"There is hardly anyone in New Zealand who hasn’t been affected by abuse in care – directly or indirectly."