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The Inquiry’s first public hearing on redress processes relating to abuse in State-Care will hear evidence about civil claims made against any agency, agent, department, or entity of the Crown[1] or third party who delivered services on their behalf (e.g. Non-Governmental Organisations) (collectively the Crown), or civil litigation filed in a Court or the Human Rights Review Tribunal (separately or together referred to as civil claims), between 1 January 1950 and 30 August 2019 (relevant timeframe). 

To investigate the issues set out below, the Royal Commission will identify and examine selected case studies setting out the experiences of survivors relating to civil claims against the Crown involving allegations of abuse in State Care during the relevant timeframe.

The hearing will not examine the substance of any civil claims, or resolve disputed factual issues relating to those civil claims, or otherwise adjudicate on breaches.

[1] As defined in State Sector Services guidance found at https://ssc.govt.nz/resources/what-is-the-public-sector/, under “Glossary of terms used in public sector map”

Scoping paper - Redress hearing

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