He karakia
Kia hiwa ra, kia hiwa ra! Kia hiwa ra i tenei tuku, kia hiwa ra i tērā tuku, kei apurua koe ki te toto, whakapurua tonu, whakapurua tonu. O ihu o waka, tūruki, tūruki, paneke, paneke, haramai te toki a haumi e! Hui e!, Taiki e!
Mai i te pouri i uhia ki runga i tō ao, ka toro ake i roto i a koutou he kaha me te māia ki te hora i tōu māramatanga ki runga i ngā takakino ā tāngata kē i te urutapu o tō ao. Tahuri kau ana kō taua ao mō ake tonu atu.
Ka haere mai koutou he whakatau mauri, he whakaoranga i te kino, he kimihanga i te tika te whai. He putanga i te whakamā me ngā whakawaitanga o ngā hara nā te hunga e tika kē ana hei kaitiaki mō koutou, hei āhuru mōwai, hei tūārai mou i nga raru o te ao. Ēngari ka whiua kē taua hunga ko taua mana hei taunu me te tūkino i a koutou.
Ko tō pono ka āta puritia e mātou, ko tō māia hei pou herenga i ā mātou, ko te tika kia rangona tō reo ka noho tapu tonu i a mātou.
Mā tēnei karakia ka whai mātou kia oti kō te tika, kia tau kō tō mauri, ka īnoi hoki kia tiaho tonu ko te tōmairangi o te ringa atawhai o te wāhi ngaro ki runga i ā koutou, inaianei, ā ake tonu atu.
Kia tau te mauri, ko te mauri kia tau, kua tau te mauri.
- Waihoroi Paraone Hōterene
He karakia
Let your soul’s light, shimmer and shine from within, and radiate from without. Lest the essence of your being is subdued and suppressed. Be like the scything prow of the canoe, meet the strain and move forward! Embracing all, having purpose, being whole again.
From the depths of darkness, you who have found strength and resolve to shed your light upon the evil that men did violating your innocence. And inasmuch they changed the course of your lives forever.
And so, you came seeking solace, redemption, and justice. A chance to unburden the shame and guilt perpetrated by those charged with your care, safety, and protection, who instead used that power and authority to abuse you.
Your truth we are challenged to uphold, your courage we are bound to honor and your right to be heard we receive with privilege.
In prayer we will seek to do right, to bring you comfort and to instill hope in things yet to come, and in doing so ask that the unseen hand of goodness let its perpetual light shine upon you and give you strength, now and forever more.
Let calm prevail, let it settle, let it be.
- Waihoroi Paraone Hōterene