Abuse in children's State residential care Tūkinotanga i ā te Karauna Kāinga Taupua mō ngā tamariki
This investigation examined abuse and neglect of children and young people in residences run by the State, and by the independent sector on behalf of the State, such as boys’ and girls’ social welfare homes and family homes, and institutions that provided combined care and protection and youth justice care.
Children in residential care are particularly vulnerable to abuse and neglect as a result of isolation from their whānau, families and carers, and the involvement of adult staff in their intimate personal care and education. We investigated a range of issues, including why children were placed in these residences, what abuse happened and why it happened, and the impacts of abuse on victims and survivors, their families, whānau, hapū, iwi and communities. The investigation also considered what the State did to respond to and prevent abuse, and what can be done better in the future to safeguard children in care.
The scope of the investigation into abuse of children in State residential care can be read here.
Photo credit: Kararaina Beckett
Children's State residential care
- Abuse in State Youth Justice care
- Abuse in Foster Care
- State and faith-based disability care settings
State Institutional Response hearing