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Showing 261 - 270 of 529 results
Charles Symes is a 63-year-old man and a survivor of the Lake Alice Child and Adolescent Unit.
Filetype(s): PDF, VideoCreated June 2021
Public hearings
Filetype(s): PDFCreated June 2021
Amy Bethune is a 38-year-old woman of European and Māori descent.
Filetype(s): PDF, VideoCreated June 2021
Public hearings
Deborah Dickson is a 51-year-old survivor of Lake Alice Child and Adolescent Unit.
Filetype(s): PDF, VideoCreated June 2021
Public hearings
Sharyn Collis is a 62-year-old woman of European descent.
Filetype(s): PDF, VideoCreated June 2021
Public hearings
Fred Rawiri is a 60-year-old man of Māori descent who now resides in Australia.
Filetype(s): PDF, VideoCreated June 2021
Public hearings
Alan Hendricks is a 59-year-old survivor of Lake Alice.
Filetype(s): PDFCreated June 2021
Public hearings
Bryon (Nick) Nicol is a 59-year-old man of European descent.
Filetype(s): PDFCreated June 2021
The Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (SNAP) in Aotearoa New Zealand is the national chapter of SNAP, a worldwide peer-support network of adult survivors of child sexual abuse by members of the clergy, in faith-based organisations and in other institutions.
Filetype(s): PDFCreated June 2021
Walton Ngatai-Mathieson is a survivor of the Lake Alice Child and Adolescent Unit.
Filetype(s): PDF, VideoCreated June 2021
Public hearings