
Glossary - Part 2

Chapter 1: Introduction – He whakataki

Chapter 2: Traditional societal attitudes to care – Ngā waiaro ā-pāpori tuku iho ki te taurimatanga

Survivor experience: Whiti Ronaki – Ngā wheako o te purapura ora

Chapter 3: Missionaries and the start of colonisation – Ngā mihinare me te tīmatanga o te tāmitanga

Chapter 4: Societal attitudes relevant to the Inquiry period – Ngā waiaro ā-pāpori whai pānga ki te wā Pakirehua

Survivor experience: Debbie Morris-Jenkins – Ngā wheako o te purapura ora

Survivor experience: Ms OF – Ngā wheako o te purapura ora

Chapter 5: 1900–1950 – The State begins to intervene in family life – Ka tīmata te Kāwana ki te kuhu ki waenga i te whānau

Chapter 6: 1950–1970 – Moral panic and the growth of the welfare state – Te whakawehi matatika me te tupu o te whenua tokoora 

Chapter 7: 1970–1999 – Economic upheaval and social change – Te akaakatanga ā-ōhanga me te panonitanga pāpori

Chapter 8: Demographic data for the Inquiry period – Ngā raraunga hangapori mō te wā Pakirehua

Survivor experience: Andrew Brown – Ngā wheako o te purapura ora

Survivor experience: Kamahl Tupetagi – Ngā wheako o te purapura ora

Chapter 9: Aotearoa New Zealand’s system of government – Te pūnaha kāwana o Aotearoa

Chapter 10: State-based care settings during the Inquiry period – Ngā whakaritenga taurima ā-Kāwanatanga i te wā Pakirehua

Chapter 11: Faith-based institutions during the Inquiry period – Ngā whare tūāpapa-whakapono  i te wā Pakirehua

Glossary - Part 4

Chapter 1: Introduction – He whakataki

Survivor experience: Susan Kenny – Ngā wheako o te purapura ora

Chapter 2: Types of abuse and neglect in care experienced by survivors (1) – Ngā momo tūkinotanga me ngā whakahapa i te pūnaha taurima i pā ki ngā purapura ora

Chapter 2: Types of abuse and neglect in care experienced by survivors (2) – Ngā momo tūkinotanga me ngā whakahapa i te pūnaha taurima i pā ki ngā purapura ora

Survivor experience: Antony Dalton-Wilson – Ngā wheako o te purapura ora

Survivor experience: Shaye Parkinson – Ngā wheako o te purapura ora

Chapter 3: Understanding abuse and neglect as transgressions from specific worldviews – Te mārama i te tūkinotanga me te whakahapa e ai ki ngā tirohanga motuhake ā-ahurea

Chapter 4: Abuse and neglect in particular care settings (1) – Te tūkinotanga me te whakahapa i roto i ngā momo whakaritenga taurima rerekē

Chapter 4: Abuse and neglect in particular care settings (2) – Te tūkinotanga me te whakahapa i roto i ngā momo whakaritenga taurima rerekē

Chapter 4: Abuse and neglect in particular care settings (3) – Te tūkinotanga me te whakahapa i roto i ngā momo whakaritenga taurima rerekē

Chapter 4: Abuse and neglect in particular care settings (4) – Te tūkinotanga me te whakahapa i roto i ngā momo whakaritenga taurima rerekē

Chapter 4: Abuse and neglect in particular care settings (5) – Te tūkinotanga me te whakahapa i roto i ngā momo whakaritenga taurima rerekē

Chapter 4: Abuse and neglect in particular care settings (6) – Te tūkinotanga me te whakahapa i roto i ngā momo whakaritenga taurima rerekē

Survivor experience: Neta Kerepeti – Ngā wheako o te purapura ora

Survivor experience: Ann Thompson – Ngā wheako o te purapura ora

Chapter 5: The extent of abuse and neglect in care – Te roanga o te tūkinotanga me te whakahapa i roto i te pūnaha taurima

Survivor experience: Mr UB – Ngā wheako o te purapura ora

Chapter 6: The nature and extent of abuse in care – key findings – Te āhua me te whānui o te tūkinotanga me te whakahapa i te pūnaha taurima - ngā kitenga matua

Chapter 1: Introduction – He whakataki

Chapter 2: The people at the centre of abuse and neglect – Te hunga i te pū o ngā mahi tūkino

Survivor experience: Tania Kinita – Ngā wheako o te purapura ora

Survivor experience: Mr NL – Ngā wheako o te purapura ora

Chapter 3: Standards of care were routinely breached – I takahia tonu ngā paerewa i roto i ngā pūnaha taurima

Survivor experience: Renée Habluetzel – Ngā wheako o te purapura ora

Survivor experience: Mr VV – Ngā wheako o te purapura ora

Chapter 4: Poor employment policies, practices contributed to abuse and neglect (1) – Nā ngā kaupapa me ngā tikanga ngoikore i hua ai te mahi tūkino

Chapter 4: Poor employment policies, practices contributed to abuse and neglect (2) – Nā ngā kaupapa me ngā tikanga ngoikore i hua ai te mahi tūkino

Survivor experience: Christina Ramage – Ngā wheako o te purapura ora

Chapter 5: Complaints processes were absent or easily undermined – Kāhore i kitea ngā kaupapa taki kōamuamu, e ngāwari noa rānei te karo

Survivor experience: Ms FT – Ngā wheako o te purapura ora

Chapter 6: Oversight and monitoring did little to change the experiences of people in care – Ahakoa ngā mahi aroturuki iti noa te hua ki ngā wheako o te hunga i ngā pūnaha taurima

Chapter 7: Conclusion on the care settings and people responsible for care – Ngā kōrero mutunga mo ngā takinga pūnaha taurima me ōna whakahaere

Survivor experience: Peter Evaroa – Ngā wheako o te purapura ora

Chapter 8: The faith-based institutions responsible for care – Ngā whakahaere i roto i ngā pūnaha taurima hinonga ā-whakapono

Survivor experience: Taraia Brown – Ngā wheako o te purapura ora

Chapter 9: The State’s responsibility for care – Ngā kawenga pūnaha taurima ā-Kāwanatanga

Chapter 10: Society’s responsibility for care – Ngā kawenga ā-iwi e pā ana ki ngā pūnaha taurima

Chapter 11: Conclusion – Ngā whakatutukitanga

Chapter 12: Key findings – Ngā tohinga matua

A small number of minor corrections have been made to the Preliminary document (paras 4 and 75), Parts Four (paras 1041 and 1082), Five (paras 331 and 332, and footnotes 403, 404, 405 and 406) and Nine (paras 33 and 39) since the original documents were tabled in Parliament. 

Languages and alternate formats

The Inquiry are working on making a full suite of alternative formats available. The translators are currently working on an Easy Read and NZ Sign Language format and these will be uploaded as soon as they are completed.


Whanaketia Executive Summary: Large Print [DOCX, 70.1 KB]

Whanaketia Executive Summary: Audio [MP3 11.3MB]

Whanaketia Executive Summary: Braille [BRF 27 KB]