Whanaketia – Through pain and trauma, from darkness to light Whakairihia ki te tihi o Maungārongo
The final report on the abuse and neglect of children, young people and adults in the care of the State and faith-based institutions in Aotearoa New Zealand between 1950 and 1999.
Downloadable versions
Whanaketia: Preliminaries [PDF, 6.3 MB]
Whanaketia: Part 1 – Purpose and process [PDF, 8.7 MB]
Whanaketia: Part 2 – Context [PDF, 18 MB]
Whanaketia: Part 3 – Circumstances [PDF, 5.2 MB]
Whanaketia: Part 4 – Nature and extent [PDF, 7.9 MB]
Whanaketia: Part 5 – Impacts [PDF, 6.7 MB]
Whanaketia: Part 6 – Te Tiriti o Waitangi and Human rights [PDF, 2.8 MB]
Whanaketia: Part 7 – Factors [PDF, 6.9 MB]
Whanaketia: Part 8 – Puretumu Torowhānui, Holistic Redress [PDF, 3.3 MB]
Whanaketia: Part 9 – The Future [PDF, 7.4 MB]
Jehovah's Witnesses: Case study [PDF 1 MB]
Survivor experiences: For survivors, by survivors [PDF, 24 MB]
Chapter 1: Introduction to purpose and process – He whakatakinga ki te aronga me te tukanga
Chapter 2: Why this Inquiry was established – He whakarāpopoto o te wāhanga tuatahi
Survivor experience: Mr KA – Ngā wheako o te purapura ora
Survivor experience: Nooroa Robert – Ngā wheako o te purapura ora
Chapter 3: Establishment and Terms of Reference – Te Whakatūtanga me ngā Taurangi Whakaritenga
Chapter 4: People who took part in the Inquiry – Te hunga i whai wāhi ki te Pakirehua
Survivor experience: Paora Moyle – Ngā wheako o te purapura ora
Survivor experience: Beverly Wardle-Jackson – Ngā wheako o te purapura ora
Chapter 5: How the Inquiry carried out its work – Tā te Kōmihana pīkau i āna mahi
Chapter 1: Introduction – He whakataki
Chapter 2: Traditional societal attitudes to care – Ngā waiaro ā-pāpori tuku iho ki te taurimatanga
Survivor experience: Whiti Ronaki – Ngā wheako o te purapura ora
Chapter 3: Missionaries and the start of colonisation – Ngā mihinare me te tīmatanga o te tāmitanga
Survivor experience: Debbie Morris-Jenkins – Ngā wheako o te purapura ora
Survivor experience: Ms OF – Ngā wheako o te purapura ora
Chapter 8: Demographic data for the Inquiry period – Ngā raraunga hangapori mō te wā Pakirehua
Survivor experience: Andrew Brown – Ngā wheako o te purapura ora
Survivor experience: Kamahl Tupetagi – Ngā wheako o te purapura ora
Chapter 9: Aotearoa New Zealand’s system of government – Te pūnaha kāwana o Aotearoa
Chapter 1: Introduction – He whakataki
Survivor experience: Ms MC – Ngā wheako o te purapura ora
Survivor experience: Kylee Maloney – Ngā wheako o te purapura ora
Survivor experience: Ms NI – Ngā wheako o te purapura ora
Survivor experience: Faithful Disciple – Ngā wheako o te purapura ora
Survivor experience: Jesse Kett – Ngā wheako o te purapura ora
Survivor experience: Mr SK – Ngā wheako o te purapura ora
Survivor experience: Ms QP – Ngā wheako o te purapura ora
Chapter 7: Circumstances - key findings – Ngā āhuatanga – ngā kitenga matua
Chapter 1: Introduction – He whakataki
Survivor experience: Susan Kenny – Ngā wheako o te purapura ora
Survivor experience: Antony Dalton-Wilson – Ngā wheako o te purapura ora
Survivor experience: Shaye Parkinson – Ngā wheako o te purapura ora
Survivor experience: Neta Kerepeti – Ngā wheako o te purapura ora
Survivor experience: Ann Thompson – Ngā wheako o te purapura ora
Chapter 1: Introduction – He whakataki
Survivor experience: Terry Le Compte – Ngā wheako o te purapura ora
Survivor experience: Mr NK – Ngā wheako o te purapura ora
Survivor experience: Chris Finan – Ngā wheako o te purapura ora
Survivor experience: Ms HA – Ngā wheako o te purapura ora
Chapter 5: Recognising the determination of survivors – Te kite i te ngana o ngā purapura ora
Chapter 1: Introduction – He whakataki
Chapter 2: The people at the centre of abuse and neglect – Te hunga i te pū o ngā mahi tūkino
Survivor experience: Tania Kinita – Ngā wheako o te purapura ora
Survivor experience: Mr NL – Ngā wheako o te purapura ora
Survivor experience: Renée Habluetzel – Ngā wheako o te purapura ora
Survivor experience: Mr VV – Ngā wheako o te purapura ora
Survivor experience: Christina Ramage – Ngā wheako o te purapura ora
Survivor experience: Ms FT – Ngā wheako o te purapura ora
Survivor experience: Peter Evaroa – Ngā wheako o te purapura ora
Survivor experience: Taraia Brown – Ngā wheako o te purapura ora
Chapter 9: The State’s responsibility for care – Ngā kawenga pūnaha taurima ā-Kāwanatanga
Chapter 10: Society’s responsibility for care – Ngā kawenga ā-iwi e pā ana ki ngā pūnaha taurima
Chapter 1: Introduction – He whakataki
Survivor experience: Lily – Ngā wheako o te purapura ora
Chapter 3: He Māra Tipu – Vision for the future – He Māra Tipu – He tohu whakatipu
Survivor experience: Mr RA – Ngā wheako o te purapura ora
Survivor experience: Ms NT – Ngā wheako o te purapura ora
Chapter 4: Righting the wrongs of the past – Te whakatika i ngā hē ō ngā ra ō mua
Survivor experience: Callum and Victoria Turnbull – Ngā wheako o te purapura ora
Survivor experience: Tupua Urlich – Ngā wheako o te purapura ora
Chapter 5: Safeguarding people in care – Te tauārai tāngata noho pūnaha taurima
Survivor experience: Skyler Quinn – Ngā wheako o te purapura ora
Chapter 6: Making faith-based care safe – Kia āhuru ngā mahi atawhai-ā-hāhi
Survivor experience: Zion Pilgrim – Ngā wheako o te purapura ora
Survivor experience: Mr OB – Ngā wheako o te purapura ora
Chapter 7: Entrusting and empowering communities – Te whakamana me te whakapakari hāpori
Survivor experience: Mr VT – Ngā wheako o te purapura ora
Chapter 9: Implementation timetable – He wātaka whakatinanatanga
A small number of minor corrections have been made to the Preliminary document (paras 4 and 75), Parts Four (paras 1041 and 1082), Five (paras 331 and 332, and footnotes 403, 404, 405 and 406) and Nine (paras 33 and 39) since the original documents were tabled in Parliament.
Languages and alternate formats
The Inquiry are working on making a full suite of alternative formats available. The translators are currently working on an Easy Read and NZ Sign Language format and these will be uploaded as soon as they are completed.
Whanaketia Executive Summary: Large Print [DOCX, 70.1 KB]
Disabled survivors' experiences of abuse and neglect in care: Guide and key messages
Deaf survivors' experiences of abuse and neglect in care: Guide and key messages
Survivors' experiences of abuse and neglect in faith-based care: Summary and key messages
Māori survivors’ experiences of abuse and neglect in care: Summary and key messages
Survivors' experiences of abuse and neglect in mental health care settings: Summary and key messages
Pacific survivors' experiences of abuse and neglect in care: Summary and key messages
Takatāpui, Rainbow and MVPFAFF+ experiences of abuse and neglect in care: Summary and key messages
Women and girls' experiences of abuse and neglect in care: Summary and key messages